
What Is A Good Sales Rank On Amazon

When you're selling on Amazon, ranking highly in Amazon's search results is critical. Buyers aren't going to trawl through page after page of search results to find a product. They might not even go past the first three or four. This means that to be successful, you really need to get your product ranking on the very first page. Now, over time, as your product gains traction you'll naturally climb the rankings. But if you're launching a new product or your cash is all tied up in inventory, you don't have time to wait. You need to boost your Amazon sales rank quickly. But how can you go from zero to hero on Amazon, in a short space of time? Well here are a few suggestions.

1. Use FBA

If you're in a hurry to boost your Amazon sales rank, then using FBA is a smart option. For a start, it means that you don't have to spend time comparing 3PLs or trying to set up a warehouse. You just have to prep your stock and ship it to one of Amazon's Fulfilment Centre. The biggest benefit though is that it means your listings will be eligible for Prime. This is going to have a big impact on your sales ranking, directly and indirectly. Firstly, it's thought that Amazon's algorithm favours listings that are eligible for prime. So being eligible is going to give your sales ranking a direct boost. It's also likely to help you build your sales history. Many Amazon sellers now filter search results to only show listings eligible for Prime. So by carrying the badge, you get better visibility and definitely have a better chance of closing the sale. This can only be a good thing for your sales ranking.

2. Keyword optimization

You can do virtually every other step in this article, but if your prospective buyers can't find your product, you've got a serious problem. So, the first thing you need to do is make sure that your listing includes all of the keywords that buyers are using to find your product. Now, when you're rushing to boost your Amazon sales rank, you need to carry out your keyword research slightly differently. Instead of starting with a few seed keywords, go straight for a reverse ASIN tool. This will show you the keywords that your competitors are ranking for. So, find the top five best selling listings for your product and run them through the reverse ASIN tool. From the results, pick out the keywords that have high traffic. These should be inserted into the title, bullets and description of your listing. It is also worth picking out those with medium level traffic and adding them to your backend keywords. Some good reverse ASIN tools include AMZDataStudio, Sonar and Helium 10. Remember to repeat this process regularly, to keep your listing fresh and avoid missing any new, high traffic keywords.

3. Reduce your price

If you're trying to boost your rank for a particularly competitive product, then it can be worth reducing your price. If you're offering the lowest price on the listing, then it should make your offering look more attractive. Especially, if you don't yet have an extensive amount of product reviews or feedback. In the short-term, this does mean you'll be making a smaller profit. In fact, bigger sellers may even be prepared to make a small loss in the short-term to boost sales ranking in the long-term. Most will have a big selling product which they can offset this against though. Then, over time, as your product's sales rank improves, there should be a demand to start increasing your price. Especially if your listing is eligible for Prime, receives a regular share of the Buy Box and has a large number of product reviews. This combination should even allow you to price above the competition. An automated repricing tool can make this process a lot easier. With xSellco Repricer, you can adjust your price depending on what your competitors are doing. So, you could create a rule in the first instance, to always price a certain amount below the other sellers. Then, as demand increases, change your strategy and use xSellco to reprice your products, so they are always the most expensive.

4. Raise your PPC bids

This step might seem counterintuitive, but if you're trying to get your organic rank up quickly, PPC ads can play a big part. It can be hard to generate sales when your product is on page seven of Amazon's search results, for example. By raising your bids on Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands ads, you've got the chance to appear prominently on page one. This should generate far more sales than if you were to rely on your organic sales rank alone. These sales are crucial. They can help you satisfy several aspects that are thought to play a part in Amazon's algorithm. You'll build traffic to your listings, develop sales history and hopefully generate a good amount of positive feedback. All of these should help your search ranking grow.

5. Generate positive feedback

The majority of Amazon sellers are certain that feedback plays a large role in Amazon's search ranking algorithm. If your feedback is mostly negative, you're not going to rank well. But if your products have a vast array of positive feedback, they are going to be seen very favourably indeed. Now, when you're in a hurry to climb Amazon's rankings, you need positive feedback, in large quantities. You equally need to avoid any negative feedback. This can throw a real spanner in the works and outweigh the positive comments. Feedback tools can be really helpful for generating positive feedback from your customers. They have a number of rules that you can set so that you only ask for feedback in favourable circumstances. It could be that you only ask for feedback on products that have a four or five-star product rating. Alternatively, you can blacklist buyers that have left negative feedback in the past and avoid asking in situations where customers have made a complaint.

Final Thoughts

When you're in a hurry to boost your Amazon sales rank, you need to tackle as many different parts of the algorithm as you can. This is a lot to handle by yourself. So to really get that rank climbing quick, you need to use a combination of outsourcing, automation and old fashioned, hard graft. Once you've established yourself on the first page or achieved a relatively high sales ranking for your product, the workload should become less intense. The reward should also become greater, as you can scale back your PPC campaigns and increase your prices. Just make sure that you don't let all that hard work slip. Even when you reach page one stay focused and keep tracking your Amazon search ranking. That way, if you start to fall, you can quickly put the irons back in the fire and keep your organic position high.

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What Is A Good Sales Rank On Amazon


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